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Strawberry Note

I'm not sure its that our country is just a bit nuts about pets, or that it is used to a culture of violence against women and children and accepts it as common and "he said/she said".

You're not the first commentator to discuss this phenomenon, and I hope not the last. In Alaska and nationwide, we have a horrific problem whereby abusive men are able to convince the courts hearing family law cases that they are in actuality misunderstood, great fathers, and that it is the complaining domestic violence victims and children that are liars. Judges, evaluators and social workers are snowed by their charm and manipulation at the cost of the women and children's safety. Judges refuse to accept any training from credible domestic violence sources, instead choosing those that support myths of "women are as abusive as men", "false allegations of DV and child abuse are rampant in custody cases" and "women and children are not credible".
If you doubt me, ask the judges in Anchorage who their last trainers were on DV.

good moral

I got your point darling. Thank you for keep on blogging. You give me a strong idea about it.

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