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Wow! I just saw the article on my Yahoo alerts and rushed to your blot to see if you'd posted about it.

You GO!


Blonde Justice

Excellent work! Congrats.


I've been following this case. I was glad to hear it. I think that what the police do is important but that they can be too aggressive in trying to get confessions out of people, which was what happened in this case.


Great work Steve, to you and your team!


Sorry, left out the "n"



Congratulations. You should definitely unselfishly savor this result - you have earned it.


WOW congrats! Drink some more fancy wine. woo

That Lawyer Dude

Nice job! There is no better tonic than for an old trial lawyer to hear the words Not Guilty or Case Dismissed. Even when it isn't on your case! Congratulations.


Way to go!


This is the BEST good fight in years,
You and Tres are The MEN!!!!!


Congrats! Very impressive!

Craig Girl

Great job! As a former teenage girl growing up in Craig I was pullin' for her the whole way. I know how it was and your defense was perfect. Older men solicit younger girls all the time there. They should have prosecuted for statutory rape and this never would have happened. Didn’t law enforcement testify they knew exactly who to go to because of the relationship? Hmmm maybe they should have acted sooner. You should feel great about this victory and helping a good family! Your interest in fine wine is a bonus.


FANTASTIC!!! You must feel like the bomb today!!! HIP HIP HOORAY.


My sincerest congratulations on what appears to be an astounding job on your part. May the good feelings last!


Hello ! This is very [url=http://www.google.com/bb497]good[/url] site !!

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