I have known about this story for some time but did not blog about it because I was asked to keep quiet until it aired, if at all. Now that it has been broadcast, I can tell that a local drug cop was caught on tape suggesting that they plant evidence during the execution of a search warrant. Cops suspected a fellow of dealing heroin so they got a search warrant for a shop where he worked. The automotive shop was owned and operated by his dad. His dad had a good security surveillance with audio. The search warrant found nothing in the garage, although cops claim to have found something in the client's car - about 1 gram of heroin. The tape was given to the DAs office and they promptly dumped it.
In this article, the DA says that they dumped the case because there was only a small amount of heroin involved and it was not worth the trouble. Such has not been my experience. Possession of any amount of heroin is a felony in Alaska. There is no personal use amount. I have represented people charged with the miniscule amount left over in a needle after it was used for injection. I find their refusal to prosecute a substantial departure from normal practices, particularly since our governor is so hell bent on stamping out drugs.
Of course, the officer, the troopers and the TV station all talk about how the police officer was just 'joking'. I have a question: why do we put up with this? Why do we let police keep searching through our homes, our personal effects, our conversations, our lives simply because somebody puts a chemical into her body? Have you ever stopped to think about it - we put people in jail simply because they ingest substances.
Well, for those who practice up here, the cop in the case is Dwayne Shelton. I am spelling out that name - Dwayne Shelton - so if anybody Googles it, or terms such as Palmer Alaska Drug Cop Planting Evidence, they will know which officer is a lying sack of crap that needs to be raked over the coals in his next suppression hearing.
Right on. I have nothing substantive to add. But, well, right on.
Posted by: john | May 28, 2005 at 03:54 PM
Posted by: Anonymous Coward | June 04, 2005 at 08:33 AM