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Here's another issue about privacy, etc. The FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force. The city of Portland, where I live, is thinking about pulling out of the program because the city council members believe that the task force may have violated state law. I hope they do, and maybe more cities will follow. They arrested a guy in Portland, Brandon Mayfield, whom the task force thought was involved in the Madrid bombings. It ended up being a bogus case and it turned Mayfield's life upside down.

Anyway, read the specs on my blog.


The Mayfield case implicates a number of issues, including the FBI's lab techniques. Spain told the FBI that the prints did not match before Mayfield was even arrested, but they went ahead. Mayfield's retained Gerry Spence to sue the feds. I hope Gerry cleans their plow. And I hope Portland does pull out of the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.

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